Start Gifting

50% discount on all Opportunities with code 'AUTUMN22' (use at checkout)

  1. Decide what size Opportunity you need (see below)
  2. Create an account or sign in
  3. Create a team/organisation from your dashboard if you have not already done so
  4. Go to your new team page and click 'purchase a new Opportunity'

How many participants?

Small Team

Up to 20 participants


Medium Team

Up to 50 participants


Large Team

Up to 100 participants

  • Each Opportunity is active for 12 months from purchase then it will expire so only purchase amount you require this time round.
  • The optimum Opportunity running time is about 10 months, which is why it is valid for 12 months - it allows you flexibility.
  • For organisations with more than 100 staff, consider running multiple Opportunities (i.e. departments) simultaneously rather than a really large one.
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