
What is Secret Gifter

Secret Gifter is about spreading positivity through pleasure gained from giving gifts and receiving them. It is a well established concept that doing something positive for another person is a good way of making yourself feel better. The added bonus of using Secret Gifter is you will also receive something in return.

One person at a workplace or organisation will volunteer to be the Master Gifter and create a Gifting Opportunity. A code is then shared for individuals to create a profile and join. After the sign up period, everyone that has joined will be randomly allocated a profile for another participant in that Gifting Opportunity. The Gifter can see the Giftee profile but the Giftee does not know who their Gifter is. It is a little bit like Secret Santa but over a longer period of time, plus you receive a profile of information about the person to help with deciding what to get them. Gifters are then required to secretly give small gifts to their Giftees, once a month minimum.

People should sign up with the intention of being a Gifter, not a Giftee. Yes you will receive the occasional gift but that is not the focus of Secret Gifter. Not everyone will want the commitment and that is fine, they can still benefit indirectly from the buzz of excitement associated with trying to give people secret gifts in the workplace without being discovered.

Secret Gifter is not about grand gestures and spending a lot of money or taking a lot of time. We recommend a minimum of something once a month plus Christmas and Birthday or any other special occasion (if these occur within the Gifting Opportunity time).

More information

How do I join?


Gift frequency

Ideas for delivery gifts

Master Gifter

Gifting Opportunities

The Big Reveal

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